It seems like I've been running non-stop for the past two years or so and I've reached my breaking point. Thankfully, I'm down to just one boss and the folks under him, instead of those folks, plus the CEO who had two years to retire and the incoming CEO. Just too much combined with health issues = sad, run-down JA panda.
So I sent my boss an email this morning telling him that I was feeling worn down and like I was fighting something off and was taking a PTO day.
Slept in until 8:30, after getting up around 5:15 or so to feed the dogs and let them outside to do what dogs do at 5:15 in the morning. Probably could have slept longer, but they were being rambunctious and stompy-stompy-stompy on the bed (75 and 45 pounds), so there was no more sleeping to be had.
Going to focus on doing some cleaning (intermixed with resting) today. I want to get our bedroom cleaned/organized. It should be the oasis of the house and right now it's nothing but chaos, dog hair fluffies and wild dust bunnies.
Once I get the bedroom done, I'm going to move into the guest room and start on that. It's not imperative I get it finished today, but I'd at least like to make some headway on it. I want to go through the closet and pull out anything and everything that doesn't fit me right now. If it doesn't fit or is in a color that doesn't make me go OOOOH!, it's going on the bed. Once on the bed, there will be two piles: donate and sell. EYT ladies get first dibs on the salable clothes, since I know I have stuff in there y'all might could use. I think relieving myself of the items that are from another time/size will do just that - be a relief. I think that having them there is putting yet another filter of failure/stress/loss on me that I do not need.
So, let's put on the kettle and fix a cuppa and hit that bedroom!