Saturday, November 12, 2011

11.11.11 Dream

So I went to bed last night, not with a specific verbalized intention, but just a let me see what I needed to see.  My brain did not disappoint, as usual.

I dreamt we lived someplace with sand, but not necessarily an ocean.  I was in a workspace, that had dark wood floors and thick plaster walls, standing in front of a really odd looking fan that was blowing towards me.  I was doing something that looked like tai chi, but it was different.  I was using the fan's wind blowing towards me to help in pulling out specific color energies (orange is the one that I was pulling out in the dream) from the air/surroundings that I needed to fix/heal something in my body. I could *feel* the energy - it was raw and crackly and hot as I extracted it from the fan.

I love my funky dreams.


  1. Hmmm:

    Also known as: Sensation Center, Spleen Chakra, Hara, Svadhisthana

    Body Mind Associations:

    Location: The center of the abdomen

    Color: Orange

    Parts of the body: Reproductive system, sexual organs, lumbar plexus

    Endocrine gland: Gonads

    Sense: Sense of taste, appetite

    Consciousness: This chakra is associated with the parts of the consciousness concerned with food and sex. It is about the body's communication to the Being inside, about what the body wants and needs, and what it finds pleasurable. The person's ability to have children is also associated with this chakra. If there is not a clear relationship with the element of water, associated with this chakra, the person's relationship with water is a reflection of their relationship with the parts of their consciousness associated with this chakra, i.e. food, sex, or having children.

    This chakra is also associated with the emotional body, and the person's willingness to feel their emotions.

    Element: Water

